Coaching for Adults
with ADHD and
Parents of Children
with ADHD

What is ADHD coaching?

ADHD Coaching is empowering, future-focused and goal-oriented. As an ADHD Coach, I listen without judgment and guide you to develop strategies and workarounds that actually work for the unique ADHD brain. You do not need a formal diagnosis to work with an ADHD Coach. This process is valuable for anyone who struggles with executive functioning (time management, organization, task initiation, emotional regulation, etc.) or who supports someone with ADHD.

How can i help?

Do you wish being an adult with ADHD could be easier?

DO YOU FIND IT CHALLENGING to support your child with ADHD?

Are you curious about how the unique ADHD brain works?

If any of these statements resonate with you, then you have come to the right place! I’m Dr. Kim Pereira and as an ADHD Coach, I’m here to help you to design success strategies to harness your strengths and minimize the challenges of ADHD and to guide you on how to view ADHD as a superpower. 

schedule a free 30 minute consultation with Dr. Kim Pereira

dr. Kim Pereira

Coaching Options

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Wherever you live in the world, I can work with you virtually via Zoom.
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woman in session


Schedule a free 30 minute consultation via Zoom with Dr. Kim Pereira.

woman in chair


In Person Coaching Sessions Now Offered in Farmington, CT.
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Dr. Kim Pereira

I’m Kim and I’m the founder of ADHD Coach CT. I am a mom of two, entrepreneur, experienced educator, a lifelong learner AND I have ADHD. While I was only formally diagnosed recently, I always knew that I needed to do things a little differently to be successful.


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